Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Glenn Greenwald

I was interested in reading about Glenn Greenwald. I took a look at every page of his that you posted on the website here and I didn't read every single page but I glanced at a few of them. He is very interested in politics and US studies as well as what is going on in our country and all around the world. In my opinion he has way to much time and effort for this. LOL I would never want to sit down and study all that he does. I am just not the kind of person to want to know everything about our country. Maybe I should worry about what is going on but I really don't. I have never been interested in world history or politics for some reason. Greenwald is a good man and lets the world know what he thinks and posts things about different issues going on and different liberty and justice rights. I liked how he shared a lot about security for our nation as a whole. He has a lot of great information on his sites that are very intesting to read about. Once I got to reading I learned more from him and what his point of view was as a person and as an American citizen. It is cool to read about what all is happening in the nation I live it and love. I knew that we had a lot of issues in America to take care of but I did not know a lot of them that was going on.

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